Mathematics and Scientific Computing Planned Courses
The courses listed on this page are a selection of courses planned for future semesters.
Changes and additions to the planning are possible any time. If you want to know which courses to take for your study program, look at the course handbook for this program. All course handbooks are available at the download center. Furthermore, we provide an overview of courses offered at regular intervals. Please be aware that the module handbooks is the only source offering binding information.
Winter Semester 2024/25
Algebra 1 | L | Dr. Denis Vogel | German |
Analysis 1 | L | Prof. Dr. Peter Albers | German |
Calculus of Variations | L | Prof. Dr. Hans Knüpfer | |
Discrete Structures 1 | L | Dr. Leticia Mattos | English |
Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik | L | N.N. | German |
Funktionalanalysis | L | Dr. Jan Fuhrmann | |
Galois Represetations and Modularity | L | Prof. Dr. Gebhard Böckle | English |
Galoiskohomologie 1 | L | Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmidt | German |
Geometrische Gruppentheorie | L | Prof. Dr. Petra Schwer | |
Grundlagen der Optimierung | L | Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog | German |
HEGL Proseminar "Illustrating Mathematics" | PS | N.N. | |
Lineare Algebra 1 | L | Prof. Dr. Jan Johannes | German |
Spezialied Lecture (Master) 4h with Tutorials | L | Prof. Dr. Enno Mammen |
Summer Semester 2025
Algebra 2 | L | Denis Vogel | German |
Analysis 2 | L | Peter Albers | German |
Analytische Zahlentheorie | S | Hendrik Kasten | German |
Computer-assisted mathematics | S | Judith Ludwig, Florent Schaffhauser, Junyan Xu | English |
Differentialtopologie 2 | L | Markus Banagl | German |
Discrete Structures II | L | Frederik Garbe, Marcus Kühn | English |
Drinfeld modules and t-motives | S | Gebhard Böckle | English |
Eindimensionale Dynamik | PS | Jan Fuhrmann | German |
Einführung in die Geometrie | L | Hendrik Kasten | German |
Einführung in die Mengenlehre | L | Kai Hauser | German |
Einführung in die Numerik | L | Robert Scheichl, Jakob Zech | German |
Einführung in die Theoretische Informatik | L | Felix Joos | German |
Elliptic curves | S | Judith Ludwig, Junyan Xu | English |
Evolutionsgleichungen | L | Hans Knüpfer | German |
Fachdidaktisches S Geometrie | S | Marita Friesen, Jens Dennhardt | German |
Finite Elements | L | Peter Bastian | English |
Funktionalanalytische Behandlung partieller Differentialgleichungen | L | Peter Weidemaier | German |
Funktionentheorie 1 | L | Johannes Walcher | German |
Galoiskohomologie 2 | L | Alberto Merici | |
Garben auf komplexen Räumen | S | Otmar Venjakob, Marlon Kocher | English |
Geometrische Konstruktionen | S | Denis Vogel | German |
Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen | L | Filip Klawe | English |
Graph Neural Networks | S | Jonas Cassel, Fabio Schlindwein | English |
Grundlagen der Geometrie und Topologie | L | Kevin Wiegand | German |
HEGL Mathematik unterrichten/Teaching Mathematics | S | Florent Schaffhauser, Anja Randecker | German/English |
Help-Desk | sonst. | Hendrik Kasten, Denis Vogel | German |
Hochdimensionale Statistik | S | Claudia Strauch | English |
Knot theory | L | Alves Quintanilha, José Pedro | English |
Kolmogorov complexity | S | Wolfgang Merkle | English |
Liealgebren | S | Hendrik Kasten | German |
Lineare Algebra 2 | L | Jan Johannes | German |
Mathematical Machine Learning | S | Evelyn Herberg | English |
Mathematikdidaktik für den Unterricht am Gymnasium | L | Marita Friesen | German |
Modularity And Galois Representations 2 | L | Gebhard Böckle | English |
Modulformen 2 | L | Judith Ludwig | English |
N.n. | PS | Denis Vogel | English |
N.n. | S | Max Witzelsperger, Marvin Schneider | German |
Nonlinear Optimization | L | Christoph Schnörr | English |
Numerik | L | Vincent Heuveline | German |
Numerische Optimierung bei Differentialgleichungen II | L | Ekaterina Kostina | English |
P-adische Zahlen | PS | Christian Dahlhausen | German |
Partielle Differentialgleichungen | L | Jan Fuhrmann | German |
Preconditioning for large sparse linear systems | S | Guido Kanschat, Stefan Meggendorfer | English |
Primes in Arithmetic Progressions | PS | Gebhard Böckle, Conti | English |
Selected Chapters from Mathematical Modelling, | S | Ekaterina Kostina, Hridya Vinod Varma | English |
Simulation and Optimization | |||
Statistical analysis of deconvolution problems | S | Jan Johannes | English/German |
Stochastik (rezeptfrei unterrichten) | PS | Jan Johannes, Ricardo Blum | German |
String Theory 2 | L | Ondra Hulik | English |
Symplectic Field Theory | S | Agustin Moreno | English |
Themen aus der Variationsrechnung | S | Hans Knüpfer, Van Phu Cuong Le | German |
Topology | S | Markus Banagl | English |
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie | L | Jan Fuhrmann | German |
Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie 2 | L | Claudia Strauch | German |
Winter Semester 2025/26
Algebraische Zahlentheorie 1 | L | Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmidt | German |
Axiomatische Grundlagen der Mathematik | PS | Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog, Nico Haaf | German |
Core: Variational Methods and Numerical Optimization | L | Prof. Dr. Christoph Schnörr | English |
CV | L | Prof. Dr. Hans Knüpfer | |
Discrete Structures 1 | L | Prof. Dr. Felix Joos | English |
Funktionalanalysis | L | Prof. Dr. Anna Marciniak-Czochra | |
Höhere Analysis | L | Prof. Dr. Peter Albers | German |
Höhere Mathematik 1 | L | Prof. Dr. Johannes Walcher | German |
Lineare Algebra 1 | L | Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog | German |
Mathematical Machine Learning | S | Evelyn Herberg | Englisch |
Streifzüge durch die Mathematik | PS | Dr. Anna Schilling | German |
Vector Bundles over Algebraic Curves | L | Prof. Dr. Florent Schaffhauser | English |
Summer Semester 2026
Algebraische Zahlentheorie 2 | L | Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmidt | German |
Höhere Mathematik 2 | L | Prof. Dr. Johannes Walcher | German |
Lineare Algebra 2 | L | Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog | German |
Mathematical Machine Learning | S | Evelyn Herberg | English |
Winter Semester 2026/27
Algebra 1 | L | Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmidt | German |
Höhere Mathematik 3 | L | Prof. Dr. Johannes Walcher | German |
Summer Semester 2027
Algebra 2 | L | Prof. Dr. Alexander Schmidt | German |