Download Center

For your convenience, we have collected here all forms and documents available for download on the various static pages of the faculty website.

If you do not find here what you are looking for, it will not be elsewhere on these pages. We do our utmost to keep these documents up-to-date. Please feel free to advise us about any inconsistencies. We also intend to provide translations or bilingual versions of all documents in due time.



Bachelor thesis, Master thesis, study credits, and examinations

Degree Regulations, Admission Regulations, and Course Handbooks

study programs Bachelor Mathematics 50% and 100%, Master Mathematics, Master Scientific Computing, and Master of Education Mathematics


Forms for all computer science programs are collected on the computer science webpages.

Degree Regulations, Admission Regulations, and Course Handbooks

study programs Bachelor Computer Science 50% and 100%, Master Data and Computer Science, and Master of Education Computer Science

Student Assistant Affairs


Applications, declarations, requests, and changes

Application Form

You must have consulted with the contact person of your specific field of employment to apply!



Generals documents and documents on application, thesis preparation, and examination

Acamedic Development


Habilitation, Junior professorship, independent research group leaders, and other situations


Experience Reports

Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey