Student Assistant Affairs
Summer Term 2025: Open Positions as Student and Research Assistants (HiWis)
To support teaching and other tasks, the faculty regularly employs student and research assistants (HiWis).
The announcement of HiWi positions for teaching is made via the homepage of the faculty at the end of the lecture period of the previous semester. Other employment opportunities are also published at irregular intervals via the homepage. In all cases, application and hiring is processed through the Office for Student Assistant Affairs.
On this page, we list and provide the documents necessary for processing your hiring/continuing employment, depending on your situation.
Please note: The documents and further highly procedural information on this page are translated only summarily to English. The office for student assistant affairs is unable to provide help with translating or filling the forms and does not advise on social insurance or fiscal matters.
Office for Student Assistant Affairs
Stephanie Köhl
Office for Student Assistant Affairs
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
Room 1/105
69120 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 54 - 14014
Office hours:
Mon. 11:00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.
Wed. 11:00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m.

Undergraduate Student Assistant
As explained above, we do not provide English translations for all documents required for processing your application.
For the purposes of student assistant affairs, undergraduate assistants (ungeprüfte Hilfskräfte) are all students who have not completed their first degree.
Undergraduate Student Assistant: New Hire
- Form: Antrag auf Einstellung oder Weiterbeschäftigung einer wissenschaftlichen Hilfskraft (Application for employment or continued employment of a student assistant)
- Certificate of study
- Tax identification number: (Entry on LBV form "Auszahlung der Bezüge", section 2)
- Copy of social security card
- Health insurance membership attestation
- Residence permit (if applicable)
- Form: Erklärung zur Auszahlung der Bezüge und Sozialversicherung (Declaration on the payment of remuneration and on social security; LBV No. 42101bs)
- Optional: Form: Antrag auf Befreiung von der Versicherungspflicht (Application for Exemption from Compulsory Insurance; LBV No. 45201-12/12)
Undergraduate Student Assistant: Interruptions of 3 or more Months
- Form: Antrag auf Einstellung oder Weiterbeschäftigung einer wissenschaftlichen Hilfskraft (Application for employment or continued employment of a student assistant)
- Certificate of study
- Residence permit (if applicable)
- Form: Erklärung zur Auszahlung der Bezüge und Sozialversicherung (Declaration on the payment of remuneration and on social security; LBV No. 42101bs)
- Optional: Form: Antrag auf Befreiung von der Versicherungspflicht (Application for Exemption from Compulsory Insurance; LBV No. 45201-12/12)
Undergraduate Student Assistant: Continued Employment without Interruption and Interruption of less than 3 Months (provided no other employment was held)
- Form: Antrag auf Einstellung oder Weiterbeschäftigung einer wissenschaftlichen Hilfskraft (Application for employment or continued employment of a student assistant)
- Certificate of study
- Residence permit (if applicable)
- Form: Vereinfachte Erklärung zur Auszahlung der Bezüge, zur Sozialversicherung und zur Zusatzversorgung (Simplified declaration for the payment of salaries, social security and supplementary pensions; LBV No. 42101v-03/13)
- Optional: Form: Antrag auf Befreiung von der Versicherungspflicht (Application for Exemption from Compulsory Insurance; LBV No. 45201-12/12)
Graduate Student Assistant
As explained above, we do not provide English translations for all documents required for processing your application.
For the purposes of student assistant affairs, graduate assistants (geprüfte Hilfskräfte) are all students who have completed at least one degree.
Graduate Student Assistant: New Hire
- Form: Antrag auf Einstellung oder Weiterbeschäftigung einer wissenschaftlichen Hilfskraft (Application for employment or continued employment of a student assistant)
- Certificate of study (if applicable)
- Tax identification number: (Entry on LBV form "Auszahlung der Bezüge", section 2)
- Copy of social security card or insurance number
- Health insurance membership attestation
- Residence permit (if applicable)
- Form: Erklärung zur Auszahlung der Bezüge und Sozialversicherung (Declaration on the payment of remuneration and on social security; LBV No. 42101bs)
- Form: Angaben zu Vorbeschäftigungszeiten (Statement on periods of previous employment)
- Certified copy: diploma/state bar certificate or Bachelor/Master degree certificate
- Optional: Form: Antrag auf Befreiung von der Versicherungspflicht (Application for Exemption from Compulsory Insurance; LBV No. 45201-12/12)
Graduate Student Assistant: Interruptions of 3 or more Months
- Form: Antrag auf Einstellung oder Weiterbeschäftigung einer wissenschaftlichen Hilfskraft (Application for employment or continued employment of a student assistant)
- Certificate of study (if applicable)
- Residence permit (if applicable)
- Form: Erklärung zur Auszahlung der Bezüge und Sozialversicherung (Declaration on the payment of remuneration and on social security; LBV No. 42101bs)
- Form: Angaben zu Vorbeschäftigungszeiten (Statement on periods of previous employment)
- Optional: Form: Antrag auf Befreiung von der Versicherungspflicht (Application for Exemption from Compulsory Insurance; LBV No. 45201-12/12)
Graduate Student Assistant: Continued Employment without Interruption and Interruption of less than 3 Months (provided no other employment was held)
- Form: Antrag auf Einstellung oder Weiterbeschäftigung einer wissenschaftlichen Hilfskraft (Application for employment or continued employment of a student assistant)
- Certificate of study (if applicable)
- Residence permit (if applicable)
- Form: Vereinfachte Erklärung zur Auszahlung der Bezüge, zur Sozialversicherung und zur Zusatzversorgung (Simplified declaration for the payment of salaries, social security and supplementary pensions; LBV Nr. 42101v-03/13)
- Form: Angaben zu Vorbeschäftigungszeiten (Statement on periods of previous employment)
- Optional: Form: Antrag auf Befreiung von der Versicherungspflicht (Application for Exemption from Compulsory Insurance; LBV No. 45201-12/12)
Changes in contract
Change in contract after examination (Bachelor, Master, Diploma, Teaching degree)
Your contract will be changed from “undergraduate” to “graduate” after you have passed your final exams. The conversion is retroactive to the date of the exam. You are obliged to immediately hand in a certified copy of your examination certificate with the necessary forms to the secretary's office.
- Form: Antrag auf Einstellung oder Weiterbeschäftigung einer wissenschaftlichen Hilfskraft (Application for employment or continued employment of a student assistant), indicating “Converting to graduate” at the top beneath where it says “Antrag auf Einstellung”
- Form: Angaben zu Vorbeschäftigungszeiten (Statement on periods of previous employment)
- Certified copy: diploma/state bar certificate or Bachelor/Master degree certificate
- Form: Erklärung zur Auszahlung der Bezüge und Sozialversicherung (Declaration on the payment of remuneration and on social security; LBV No. 42101bs)
- Optional: Form: Antrag auf Befreiung von der Versicherungspflicht (Application for Exemption from Compulsory Insurance; LBV No. 45201-12/12)
Contract Extensions
Approximately 6 weeks before the end of the lecture period, the announcement for the new semester will be posted online. You will then have the opportunity to reapply.
Changes to the current contract: bank details, address, family circumstances
- Form: Änderung der familiären Verhältnisse, Änderung Bankverbindung (Changes in family circumstances, changes of bank details; LBV Nr. 527)
Resignation of a student assistant (in case of premature termination of the contract)
- Form: Ausscheiden einer geprüften/ungeprüften Wissenschaftlichen Hilfskraft (Resignation of an undergraduate/graduate student assistant)
Working Time Recording
Working time recording for tutors: Please use the form “Arbeitszeitblatt Hiwis Arbeitszeitkonto” to record your working time. Please familiarize yourself with the rules concerning this.