Instructions Nominated Outgoing Students

Prior to Your Erasmus Stay

Further Registrations

After our nomination you receive further information through your Erasmus coordinator from the central Erasmus office (Department 7 “International Affairs”). The central Erasmus office is also responsible for all general questions including insurance and combinability of the Erasmus grant with other funding possibilities.

Successfully nominated students also compile a Learning Agreement via “Mobility Online” before their stay where they specify which courses they want to attend during their stay. The Learning Agreement needs to be signed by you, your Erasmus coordinator at Heidelberg University and your Erasmus coordinator at the receiving university. These steps are taken usually online on Mobility Online.

The semester in which you are abroad can also be considered as a vacation semester (leave of absence) upon request.

Proof of Language Proficiency

Some partner universities require a "Statement of Language Proficiency", not only for the national language, but also for English. The "zentrale Sprachlabor" (ZSL) can help you in this matter.

Learning Agreement and Preliminary Approval

Using the course catalogue of the host university, you can refine or expand the course selection outlined in your application and include it in the Learning Agreement on Mobility Online. In Table A, list the courses you would like to take at the host university. In Table B, list the corresponding Mathematics/Computer Science module at Heidelberg University if they exist. It might be helpful if you included module descriptions, links, and other useful information on the courses at the host university that demonstrate comparability.

During Your Erasmus Stay

Changes to Learning Agreement

If necessary, courses can be dropped or added via Mobility Online. Please justify the changes by pre-informing the Erasmus coordinator at Heidelberg University via email.

After Your Erasmus Stay

Definitive Approval

In order to recognise your achievements made during your Erasmus stay, you need a Transcript of Records from your host university (the content should align with your Learning Agreement). Computer Science students please submit the transcript of records of the guest university and the form "Application for the Recognition of Credits" to your Erasmus coordinator.