Computer Science Planned Courses
The courses listed on this page are a selection of courses planned for future semesters.
Changes and additions to the planning are possible any time. If you want to know which courses to take for your study program, look at the course handbook for this program. All course handbooks are available at the download center. Furthermore, we provide an overview of courses offered at regular intervals. Please be aware that the module handbooks is the only source offering binding information.
The Institute of Computer Engineering also offers courses in computer engineering. These courses can also be taken in computer science programs. Further information can be found on the website of the institute.
AP | advanced practical |
BP | beginner practical |
L | lecture |
P | practical |
PS | proseminar |
S | seminar |
W | webinar |
Winter Semester 2024/25
AI Methods and Tools for Programming | P | Prof. Dr. Artur Andrzejak | English |
Algorithms and Data Structures II | L | Prof. PD. Dr. Christian Schulz | English |
Applied Combinatorial Optimization | L | PD Dr. Bogdan Savchynskyy | |
Artificial Intelligence for Programming | L | Prof. Dr. Artur Andrzejak | English |
Computer Vision | L | Prof. Dr. Carsten Rother | |
Discrete Structures I | L | Dr. Leticia Mattos | English |
Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis | S | Prof. Dr. Lena Maier-Hein | |
Einführung in Software Engineering (wahrscheinlich ohne Blockprojekt) | L | Prof. Dr. Barbara Paech | |
Emerging Computing Paradigms | Prof. Dr. Nima TaheriNejad | English | |
Foundations of Simulation Methods | Prof. Dr. Fred Hamprecht | ||
Grundlagen der Optimierung | L | Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog | English |
IMP Agile Development of Computer Games | P | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | |
IMP Development of Medical Software | P | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | |
IMP Intelligent Systems | P | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | |
IMS Intelligent Systems Online | S | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | English |
Knowledge Management and Decision-Making in Software Engineering | L | Dr. Andrea Herrmann | English |
Machine Learning and Physics | Prof. Dr. Fred Hamprecht | ||
Mathematical Machine Learning | S | Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog | English |
NCT Data Science | W | Prof. Dr. Lena Maier-Hein | |
N.N. | P | Prof. Dr. Barbara Paech | |
N.N. | S | Prof. Dr. Barbara Paech | |
Software Evolution | Dr. Eckhart von Hahn |
Summer Semester 2025
Advanced Computer Architecture | Prof. Dr. Nima TaheriNejad | English | ||
Advanced Software Practical "Infectious Disease Modelling" | AP | Prof. Joacim Rocklöv | ||
AI Methods and Tools for Programming | AP BP | Prof. Dr. Artur Andrzejak | English | |
Aktuelle Themen aus der Technischen Informatik | S | Prof. Dr. Dirk Koch | German | |
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen | L | Prof. Dr. Ullrich Köthe | German | |
Algorithm Engineering | AP BP | Kenneth Langedal, Ernestine Großmann, Adil Chharbra, Henrik Reinstädtler | ||
Anfängerpraktikum zur kontinuierlichen Optimierung und optimalen Steuerung | BP | Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Kostina | ||
Aus der Forschung in die Schule - Fachdidaktische Aufbereitung | L S | German | ||
Betriebssysteme und Netzwerke | L | Prof. Dr. Artur Andrzejak | German | |
Biosignal Processing and Machine Learning | Dr. Haghi, Dr. Aminifar | English | ||
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis | Prof. Dr. Fred Hamprecht | |||
Computer Games | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | English | ||
Computer Vision | L | Prof. Dr. Carsten Rother | ||
Computer Vision | S | PD Dr. Bogdan Savchynskyy | English | |
Datenbanken | L | Prof. Dr. Michael Gertz | German | |
Didaktik der Informatik | L S | Prof. Dr. Claudia Hildebrandt | German | |
Discrete Structures 2 | L | Dr. Frederik Garbe, Marcus Kühn | English | |
Distributed and Parallel Algorithms | L | Kenneth Langedal, Ernestine Großmann | English | |
Einführung in die Theoretische Informatik | L | Prof. Dr. Felix Joos | German | |
Energy Efficient Computing - EEC | L | Prof. Dr. Dirk Koch | English | |
Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum BSc Informatik | AP | Prof. Dr. Ullrich Köthe | ||
Fortgeschrittenenpraktikum zur kontinuierlichen Optimierung und optimalen Steuerung | AP | Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Kostina | ||
IMP Agile Development of Computer Games | AP BP | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | ||
IMP Development of Medical Software | P | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | ||
IMP Intelligent Systems | AP BP | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | ||
IMS Intelligent Systems Online | S | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | English | |
Informatik und Gesellschaft | S | Prof. Dr. Claudia Hildebrandt | German | |
Inverse Problems | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | English | ||
ITH | Prof. Dr. Felix Joos | German | ||
IT-Security | S | Prof. Dr. Vincent Heuveline | German | |
IT-Sicherheit 2 | L | Prof. Dr. Vincent Heuveline | German | |
Kolmogorov Complexity | S | PD Dr. Wolfgang Merkle | English | |
Machine Learning Essentials | L | Prof. Dr. Georgia Koppe | English | |
Master's Advanced Practical Experimental Design | AP | Prof. Dr. Georgia Koppe, Ismail Guennouni, Andre Herz | ||
Master's Advanced Practical Time Series Modeling | AP | Prof. Dr. Georgia Koppe, Manuel Brenner | ||
Mathematical Machine Learning | S | Evelyn Herberg | English | |
Mathematik für Informatik 2 | L | Dr. Stefan Meggendorfer | German | |
NCT Data Science | W | Prof. Dr. Lena Maier-Hein | ||
Nonlinear Optimization | L | Prof. Dr. Christoph Schnörr | English | |
Object-Oriented Programming for Scientic Computing | L | Dr. Niklas Baumgarten | English | |
Practical Combinatorial Optimization in Machine Learning and Computer Vision | P | PD Dr. Bogdan Savchynskyy | ||
Praktika Data Science und NLP | P | Prof. Dr. Michael Gertz | ||
Praktikum: Computer Vision and Machine Learning | P | Prof. Dr. Carsten Rother | ||
Programmierkurs | L | Dr. Stefan Meggendorfer | German | |
Programmierparadigmen im Unterricht | L | Christina Hund | German | |
Question Answering | S | Prof. Dr. Michael Gertz, Ashish Chouhan, Marin Walther | English | |
Randomized Algorithms | L | PD Dr. Wolfgang Merkle | English | |
Rasperry PI | L S | Dr. Andreas Schnirch | German | |
Reconfigurable Embedded Systems - RES | L | Prof. Dr. Dirk Koch | English | |
Scientific Visualization | L | Prof. Dr. Filip Sadlo | English | |
Seminar Koppe NN | S | Prof. Dr. Georgia Koppe, Ismail Guennouni | English | |
Softwarepraktikum MSc Data and Computer Science | Prof. Dr. Ullrich Köthe | |||
Softwarepraktikum | P | Prof. Dr. Claudia Hildebrandt | German | |
Software-Praktikum Numerik & Uncertainty Quantification für Anfänger | BP | Prof. Dr. Robert Scheichl, Dr. Niklas Baumgarten | ||
Software-Praktikum Numerik & Uncertainty Quantification für Fortgeschrittene | AP | Prof. Dr. Robert Scheichl, Dr. Niklas Baumgarten | ||
Softwarepraktikum Wissenschaftliches Rechnen für Anfänger | BP | Prof. Dr. Peter Bastian | ||
Softwarepraktikum Wissenschaftliches Rechnen für Fortgeschrittene | AP | Prof. Dr. Peter Bastian | ||
Solving Partial Differential Equations with deal.II | P | Prof. Dr. Guido Kanschat, Michał Wichrowski | ||
Transformer Models: Interpretability and Knowledge Editing | S | Prof. Dr. Artur Andrzejak | English | |
Visual Computing | AP BP | Prof. Dr. Filip Sadlo | ||
Visual Computing | S | Prof. Dr. Filip Sadlo | English | |
Volume Visualization | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | English |
Winter Semester 2025/26
Algorithms and Data Structures II | L | Prof. PD. Dr. Christian Schulz | English | |
Applied Combinatorial Optimization | L | PD Dr. Bogdan Savchynskyy | ||
Computer Vision | L | Prof. Dr. Carsten Rother | ||
Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis | S | Prof. Dr. Lena Maier-Hein | ||
Discrete Structures I | L | N.N. | English | |
Emerging Computing Paradigms | Prof. Dr. Nima TaheriNejad | English | ||
Foundations of Simulation Methods | Prof. Dr. Fred Hamprecht | |||
Generative Neural Netowkrs for the Sciences | L | Prof. Dr. Ullrich Köthe | English | |
Geometric Modeling and Animation | L | Prof. Dr. Filip Sadlo | ||
Grundlagen der Optimierung | L | Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog | German | |
IMP Agile Development of Computer Games | P | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | ||
IMP Development of Medical Software | P | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | ||
IMP Intelligent Systems | P | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | ||
IMS Intelligent Systems Online | S | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hesser | English | |
Infinite Dimensional Optimization | L | Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog | English | |
IT Project Management | L | Dr. Andrea Herrmann | English | |
Machine Learning and Physics | Prof. Dr. Fred Hamprecht | |||
Mathematical Machine Learning | S | Prof. Dr. Roland Herzog | English | |
Mathematik für Informatik 1 | L | Dr. Stefan Meggendorfer | German | |
NCT Data Science | W | Prof. Dr. Lena Maier-Hein | ||
Programmierkurs | Dr. Stefan Meggendorfer | German | ||
Software Economics | Dr. Eckhart von Hahn |
Summer Semester 2026
Algorithm Engineering | L | Prof. Dr. Christian Schulz | English |
Computer Graphics | L | Prof. Dr. Filip Sadlo | |
Mathematik für Informatik 2 | L | Dr. Stefan Meggendorfer | German |
Programmierkurs | Dr. Stefan Meggendorfer | German |