Examinations and Credits Mathematics
The Office for Examinations and Credits Mathematics administers examination results in the bachelor's and master's programs in mathematics and the master's program in Scientific Computing as well as issues transcripts and certificates of academic achievements.
Please note:
- The instructors of the respective course are responsible for conducting examinations during the course of study.
- Generally, the examination board in the respective study program is responsible for the approval of coursework completed in another field or at another university, but it is compulsory to apply for this through the Office of Examinations and Credits. The student advisor will provide non-binding information in advance.
- Legally binding information can generally not be given via e-mail. Please address your inquiries to the Office of Examinations and Credits in person or in written form as a letter, stating your e-mail address, and enclose the necessary documents for their processing.
- Documents for your inspection and for preliminary information, as well as forms for a change of program and the bachelor or master program can be found compiled below, or otherwise in the Office of Examinations and Credits.
New Opening Hours
Please take notice of the new opening hours.
Examinations and Credits Mathematics and Scientific Computing
Mathematikon Im Neuenheimer Feld 205 69120 Heidelberg | Phone: +49 6221 54-14018 Fax: +49 6221 54-14015 Email: | Tue. 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Wed. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. |
Petra Kiesel
Examinations and Credits Mathematics
Room 1/104
Elsbeth Schoppers
Examinations and Credits Mathematics
Room 1/102
Chairs of Examination Boards
Prof. Dr. R. Scheichl
Chair of Examination Board Scientific Computing
Prof. Dr. E. Mammen
Chair of Examination Board Master of Education (Mathematics)