Enrollment at the University

After you have received the acceptance as a doctoral student from the faculty, you must register as a doctoral student at the university. This is a mandatory two-step process:

  1. Application as a doctoral student

  2. Enrollment (matriculation)

The status as a doctoral student gives you certain rights for representation at the faculty and university level, and can lead to benefits with transportation and health-care providers. Enrollment is only possible by the semester and subject to a small administrative fee. If you are employed at Heidelberg University with a contract of at least 50% during your doctorate, you can apply for exemption from the matriculation.

The specifics for application and enrollment depend on your immigration status and a number of other factors. For detailed explanations and all required forms and documents, please consult the general university website on the enrollment in a doctoral program. The doctoral office will only provide the documents related to Acceptance as a doctoral candidate at the faculty.

Also be aware that, just like all other steps leading to a Doctorate in Heidelberg, the registration process has to be recorded in the heiDOCS online doctoral file.

Typical registration documents

  • Photocopy of your acceptance letter from the faculty
  • Certified copy of your university entrance qualification (e.g. German ‘Abitur’)
  • Certified copy of your degree certificate
  • Comprehensive certificate(s) of exmatriculation, stating the degree program and duration of study
  • Form: Admission and Matriculation at Heidelberg University, filled out and signed, original
  • Form Acceptance as a doctoral candidate signed by the dean’s office
  • Copy of your identity card/passport
  • Passport photo
  • Insurance certificate
  • Completed and signed SEPA mandate for the semester fees
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