FAQs Transition from Bachelor to Master

What do I have to do when I transition from Bachelor to Master?

Please clarify as early as possible how the transition between your Bachelor's program and the desired Master's program is regulated. In many cases there is a standard regulation here, for example when changing from the Bachelor 100% Mathematics or Data and Computer Science to the respective Master's program of the same name or when changing from the Bachelor 50% with teaching option to the Master of Education. In this case, it is sufficient to apply for the Master's program in time; details on the Master's application can be found on our page. If there is no standard regulation, you have to consult the admission regulations of the desired Master's program. The best way to do this is to visit the departmental student advisor for your subject.

Can I take modules from the Bachelor into the Master? If yes: how?

Officially, this is not possible. Within the framework of a goodwill rule of the faculty, a limited amount of achievements of the Master's program can already be made in the Bachelor's program and booked there as additional achievements. After transfer to the Master's program, these achievements are then transferred. 

Note: Especially in the transition between Bachelor Mathematics 50% and Master of Education, no interleaving modules can be taken; these must be taken in the master program.

What do I have to consider if I move to another university for the master’s degree?

You should find out as early as possible about the admission regulations and application deadlines for the master's program at the target university: If you are still studying for a semester with us in the Bachelor's program, you may still be able to take the courses required for admission with us and thus make the transition to the Master's program smoother. In addition, the application deadlines for external students often end very early. A typical problem in this context is that not all Bachelor's achievements are available by the application deadline and, for example, the grade of the Bachelor's thesis is still pending. In this case, many universities offer the possibility of submitting additional work. If time is very tight, the supervisor of your Bachelor thesis can confirm that it has been passed before the actual assessment and submit the grade later.