Day 4 ENUMATH 2025
- Thursday, 4. September 2025, 01:00
- Jérome Bolte
- Erin Carson
- Patrick Farrell
- Olga Mula Hernández
- J. Nathan Kutz
- Anders Logg
- Matteo Parsani
- Andrew M. Stuart
- Tanja Tarvainen
- Aretha Teckentrup
- Barbara Wohlmuth
The European Conference on Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications (ENUMATH) conferences are a forum for presenting and discussing novel and fundamental advances in numerical mathematics and challenging scientific and industrial applications on the highest level of international expertise. They started in Paris in 1995. Subsequent ENUMATH conferences were held at the universities of Heidelberg (1997), Jyväskylä (1999), Ischia Porto (2001), Prague (2003), Santiago de Compostela (2005), Graz (2007), Uppsala (2009), Leicester (2011), Lausanne (2013), Ankara (2015), Bergen (2017), Egmond aan Zee (2019) and Lisbon (2023).
Robert Scheichl, Peter Bastian, Roland Herzog, Vincent Heuveline, Guido Kanschat, Ekaterina Kostina, Jakob Zech
Event Type
Event Homepage
Conference Themes
- Advances in Discretisation Schemes
- Multiscale and Multiphysics Problems
- Hardware-Aware Scientific Computing
- Inverse Problems
- Uncertainty Quantification
- Data-Driven Modelling and Simulation
- Scientific Machine Learning
- Reduced Order Models and Surrogates
- Randomised Numerical Algorithms
- Numerical Optimisation and Optimal Control