Preparing you dissertation

We are proud to have you as a doctoral member at our faculty. We hope that you find the academic community enriching and that you benefit from the exceptional scientific environment at Heidelberg University. You research will typically be carried out in a research group at one of our institutes, within a structured doctoral program or in cooperation with a neighboring research institution, at which you or your doctoral advisor may be employed.

After satisfying any course requirements, and progressing in your research, you may feel ready to prepare your dissertation for submission to the faculty. We require:

  • Two hardback or paperback copies of the dissertation, no spiral binding (the doctoral candidate brings one copy to the University Library or to the branch of the University Library INF after the defence; the second copy is handed over to the faculty library by the doctoral office)
  • Title page and front matter following the template provided below
  • No emblem or University Seal on the front page
  • Title and full name of the advisor(s)
  • You may print in the words “Date of the oral examination” on the front page, but DO NOT print in the date itself!!!
  • German and English abstract at the beginning of the thesis. The thesis itself may be written in either language.
  • Filled out and signed Statutory Declaration (Affidavit) of independence and originality.
  • An identical pdf-version of the complete dissertation sent via email to the

    doctoral office

The thesis should document your research results and contributions, and adhere to the principle of good scientific practice in the given field of research. “Cumulative theses” are not permitted in the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.

In order to verify the formal correctness, it is advisable to send a pdf version of the first pages including the acknowledgements, if any, via email to the doctoral office before printing the 3 copies.

In case of interdisciplinary projects in Mathematics, the doctoral committee recommends that an accompanying text is provided stating what the new mathematical contributions are. This has also to be made explicit in the reviews submitted by the thesis’ reviewers.

The doctoral advisor(s) and external reviewers may require additional printed copies of your thesis.