Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science At a Glance

A brief overview of some facts about the faculty.

At the moment, the academic staff of the faculty comprises more than 30 full-time professorial members, several junior professors (with or without tenure-track) and permanent senior lecturers, and around 60 junior scientists employed at its two departments and neighboring institutions.

The student body of around 2000 members is distributed roughly 2:1 between mathematics and computer science, and 3:2:1 between Bachelor 100%, Bachelor 50%, and Master programs (including Master of Education). There are about 150 doctoral candidates.

All important decisions are made by the Grand Faculty Council, comprising all full-time Professors (including Junior Professors) as well as elected representatives of other constituencies. The faculty board is chaired by the Dean of the faculty and includes the Vice-dean, two Deans of Studies (Mathematics and Computer Science) and the Managing Directors of the three departments of the faculty. The day-to-day affairs are managed at the Dean's office.

The departments of the faculty are

  • The Institute for Mathematics (established 2023)
  • The Institute for Computer Science (founded 2001)

Heidelberg University's traditional strengths and special characteristics in Mathematics and Computer Science include

  • a broad research program reaching from algebra and theoretical computer science via statistics and geometry to numerical data analysis and computer engineering,
  • research oriented teaching and application oriented research,
  • a basic training of students emphasizing theoretical foundations and applications in both fields,
  • interdisciplinary collaboration with neighboring faculties,
  • a spread-out and very diverse department of computer science,
  • close proximity and intertwinement with central and external research institutions, and especially the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR),
  • a first-class research environment embedded in the Rhein-Neckar metropolitan region with a high quality of life in the immediate vicinity of the Geo-Naturepark Bergstrasse-Odenwald.